The game is still in development and many features are missing. Notable missing features include:

  • Tutorial and explanation of controls. Keep reading to learn how to play.
  • Audio - the game is completely silent so far.

Default keyboard controls (can be remapped):

  • WASD to move, Space to dash
  • Mouse to aim
  • Left click to  cast the basic spell, right click to cast the 1st non-basic spell 
  • Q to cast the 2nd non-basic spell, E to cast the 3rd non-basic spell
  • R to use an active item
  • F to interact (you will be prompted whenever an interaction is possible)

Changelog 2024-01-12

  • Added 6 new spells, 6 new rooms, 4 new common enemies and 2 new bosses
  • Added an objective, limited the number of floors to 5, added a victory screen
  • Improved balance

Changelog 2023-12-10

  • Added main menu
  • Added options (but the audio sliders are purely cosmetic so far, as the game still has no audio)
  • Added full controller support
  • Added controls remapping
  • Added Czech localization
  • Added various icons to make controls more intuitive
  • Added a death screen
  • Added 4 new spells and 1 new boss
  • Added screenshake
  • Fixed some bugs, made a couple of balance changes 

StatusIn development
Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(4 total ratings)
AuthorLukas Osouch


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Really, really good game. 

Looking forward to updates. As you say, currently it starts off very hard and eventually becomes trivially easy — especially with the "explode on death" ability supercharged.

(1 edit)

this is great, really clean game. wind class is super strong once u unlock the "explode on death" ability. the whole room cleared in one spell.
maybe one quality of life improvement is that slow spawning rooms be removed in after 5th floor.